Ingredients: 1- 15.5oz Can of White Beans ( Can substituted w/diff beans )
1 tbs of Our Sofrito sauce
1 tsp olive oil or vegetable oil
1 tsp tomato paste or 1/2 can tomato sauce
1 packed of Sazon Seasoning
1/4 tsp of Adobo Seasoning
6 oz of Pumpkin - Calabaza
3 cups of water
Instructions: In a medium size saucepan over low to medium heat add Olive oil or vegetable oil, Sofrito sauce, tomato paste or tomato sauce, packed of Sazon and Adobe Seasoning mix ingredients, add your beans and 3 cups of water. Stir and mix all of the ingredients, add the chopped Pumpkin bring to a boil over high heat , reduce heat setting to a medium and allow to cook for 20 minutes or until pumpkin is tender. To thicken the sauce using a fork I recommend mashing some of the pumpkin into the sauce. Serve and enjoy!
Servings 4 Prep time: 35 Minutes Cook Time: 20 Minutes